About Wonderful Worm Waste

About Wonderful Worm Waste

Vicki Power started the Wonderful Worm Waste schools program in 2012 as a Perth, Western Australia-based sustainability education service. The program highlights waste reduction in schools and at home with the primary focus being on worm farming and the (mini-beasts) worms.

Vicki brings with her 35 years’ experience in conservation education in the areas of research and captive breeding of many of Australia’s threatened and endangered species in zoos across Australia, New Zealand and the USA. She has written several scientific articles and a chapter on numbats published in CSIRO publishing. Her media credits include numerous TV shows and documentaries including the first episode of The Zoo.

Vicki also founded the not-for-profit group Project Numbat Inc in 2005, with which she currently holds a position on the board of management and as an education officer.

Her level of professional knowledge and her ability to capture the imagination of the children leaves a profound and lasting impression. Inspiring children to feel they can make a difference in this world is something she feels passionate about. Caring for our environment and living more sustainable lives is the message she instills into the classroom activity. Scientific principles, and the use of modern technology tools are introduced to the children so they are aware of many uses today.

Wonderful Worm Waste was the winner of the 2013 Commonwealth Bank Best Home Base Business Award North West Metro WA.

2019 Energy Innovator Awards Award Winner: Wonderful Worm Waste

Most Innovative Youth Recycling Education Experts – Western Australia 

BUILD’s Recycling and Waste Management Awards 2020

Award winner: Wonderful Worm Waste

Best Specialist Waste Recycling Education Company” – Western Australia

Outside the Classroom

Thinking outside the classroom

There are a number of opportunities to expand your sustainability education programs on-site at your school by utilising a dedicated area. This could include composting, a worm farm, veggie gardens and other habitat constructions (e.g. butterfly gardens, reptile habitats and frog ponds). You will soon find wildlife visiting your habitat constructions.

Schools generally have ample spare land on site to utilise. By recreating specific habitats to encourage local endemic species into the school, you may also be providing suburban habitat links.  What a fantastic opportunity to connect children with nature which directly involves them in environmental education.