
Who we are

Vicki Power started Wonderful Worm Waste in Perth, Western Australia, in 2012. With more than 30 years’ experience in conservation education, Vicki delivers fun and inspiring learning to all ages.

School kids on the Wonderful Worm Waste program

Schools Incursion Program

With three wicked programs on offer, Wonderful Worm Waste teaches children of all ages about organic waste, worms, worm farming and sustainability in a hands-on and fun way. Check out what we offer.


Childcare and Vacation Care

Are you looking for some Wicked Worm Fun for the holidays? Look no further. Wonderful Worm Waste can deliver outstanding wicked worm fun with great learning outcomes for child care, vacation care and more!

Every child makes a mini worm farm to take home.


Contact Us


Email your enquiries or booking requests to info@wonderfulwormwaste.com.au


0419 941 335 Monday to Friday 9:00 – 17:00

2013 Best Home-based Business Award North-west Metro Area
Tiger Worms

Did you know?

An earthworm has three to five hearts depending on the species.

Compost worms can consume their own body weight equivalent in food in every 2-3 days.

Find out more about these fascinating animals.